Copyright © Artur Sosna

- In the last 22 years Artur has visited over 2.500 clients in Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg and Poland, as well as across Europe.
- He has sold services for over 18.000.000 EURO.
- ging three profit centers, being part of the Berlitz Corporation in the north part of Germany, with a revenue of over a million Euro (www.berlitz.com).
In the year 2007 Artur moved to Luxembourg where he was the Founder and the Country Manager of Berlitz Luxembourg reaching 2 million Euro revenues (www.berlitz.lu).
- Currently Artur is the Head of Business Development at Goeres Group, a family owned 5 hotels based in the City of Luxembourg with a total of 235 rooms, 3 restaurants, 850 square meters of meeting&conference rooms and own ice-cream production (www.goereshotels.com).
Expert in Leadership, Sales, Networking and Creativity
- In the last 22 years Artur has visited over 2.500 clients in Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg and Poland, as well as across Europe.
- He has sold services for over 18.000.000 EURO.
- Artur established and was managing three profit centers, being part of the Berlitz Corporation in the north part of Germany, with a revenue of over a million Euro (www.berlitz.com).
- In the year 2007 Artur moved to Luxembourg where he was the Founder and the Country Manager of Berlitz Luxembourg reaching 2 million Euro revenues (www.berlitz.lu).
- Currently Artur is the Head of Business Development at Goeres Group, a family owned 4 hotels based in the City of Luxembourg with a total of 230 rooms, 3 restaurants, 850 square meters of meeting&conference rooms and own ice-cream production (www.goereshotels.com).
- Artur was the Founding Member and the Vice-President of the German-Luxemburgish Business Chamber, where he is an honorary member (www.dlwi.lu).
- Artur was the Country President in Luxembourg representing Junior Chamber International, a worldwide organization with over 200.000 members (www.jci.cc).
- In the year 2012 Artur founded and chairs since then the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce, short: LPCC (www.lpcc.lu). LPCC has over 70 corporate members and organizes yearly over 16 business events in Luxembourg and in Poland (in collaboration with the Luxemburgish Embassy in Warsaw).
- Artur holds a Master Degree in Business Administration & Economics from the University of Passau (Germany).
- Artur is an author and co-author of scientific papers and books on politics and economy in Paraguay (South America).
Would you like to get your business international?
Practical insights from a successful entrepreneur


- Silver Medal from the President of the Republic of Poland for achievements connecting Luxembourg and Poland on economic (2022).
- For the best sales results worldwide from Berlitz Corporation at the worldwide convention in Shanghai, China (2011).
- For leading the Best European Project from JCI Europe (2009).